STENUM Ortho GmbH strives for high quality in the treatment of our patients.
To achieve this, we constantly review and question our standardized processes and structures and determine the results. We conduct surveys throughout the year to ensure the highest level of patient satisfaction in the region further on. These surveys are immediately analyzed, evaluated, and remedied with improvement measures. Our complaints management is available to our patients for personal contact during their treatment. We always ensure that information is handled confidentially and following data protection regulations. STENUM Ortho GmbH is also concerned about patient safety. For this reason, we have been carrying out systematic error management for years, with various focal points.
Further tasks of the quality management include increasing the health gain, the further development and promotion of our employees, and our hospital’s economic efficiency.

Stenum Is Transparent
Quality Management
STENUM stands for transparency and quality assurance. Every employee, patient, and referring physician can inform themselves about the treatment results using the published key figures.
Your Contac Person

Anne Urban
Heilstättenweg 1
27777 Ganderkesee
Tel.: +49 (0)4223 71 208
Fax: +49 (0)4223 71 348
Patient Questionnaire
We strive every day to provide you with the best possible medical and nursing care because our high quality of work is our primary goal. Therefore, every patient receives a patient questionnaire for giving us an assessment anonymously. All completed questionnaires are subjected to systematic evaluation to obtain indications of possible measures to improve our quality. Criticism and suggestions are taken up at short notice and implemented as quickly as possible.
Risk Management
STENUM Ortho GmbH uses risk management as an instrument for systematic early detection and warning of risks. Risk management is an important part of our internal clinic safety culture, which every employee of the clinic lives.
Risk management aims to identify, assess, and reduce risks of damage to our hospital and, among others, contribute to a continuously high level of patient safety.
To achieve this goal, our risk management uses a variety of measures. CIRS is one well-known system, which is also used at STENUM Ortho GmbH. The abbreviation CIRS stands for critical incident reporting system and offers every employee the possibility to easily report potential error sources quickly and anonymously. A team then analyzes each report to initiate or define preventive measures, if necessary.
Your Contac Person

Anne Urban
Heilstättenweg 1
27777 Ganderkesee
Tel.: +49 (0)4223 71 208
Fax: +49 (0)4223 71 348
Medical Device Safety Officer
According to section 6 of the Medical Device Operator Ordinance, healthcare facilities with more than 20 employees must appoint a Medical Device Safety Officer.
The representative fulfills the following tasks:
- Contact person for authorities, manufacturers, and distributors in connection with reports on risks of medical devices as well as in the implementation of necessary corrective measures
- Coordination of internal processes to fulfill the reporting and cooperation obligations of users and operators
- Coordination of the implementation of corrective measures and recall measures by the manufacturer or his authorized representative
Contact person:
Patient Representative
In addition to quality and complaint management, we have also established a patient representative’s office for you.
The patient representative supports you in representing your interests and helps you to articulate criticism and, of course, compliments about general care, nursing, and medical care in the hospital and to refer these to the right department.
The patient representative identifies the causes of patients’ concerns and attempts to find solutions in direct contact with them or their relatives.
Your Contac Person
Enno Meyer
Heilstättenweg 1
27777 Ganderkesee
Tel.+49 (0)4223-71 150
Discharge Management
STENUM advises you
Good follow-up care already begins at the time of admission. Our staff at patient coordination will work with payers throughout your stay and try to organize a smooth transition to follow-up care for you. Regardless of whether you need mobile care at home, rehabilitation, an inpatient care facility, remedies, or medical aids. Our staff will support you.
STENUM Ortho GmbH’s hygiene management is based on the Infection Protection Act and the Guidelines for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention, published and continuously updated by the Robert Koch Institute. An essential task of hospital hygiene is infection prevention and control. To reduce infections to an unavoidable level, STENUM Ortho GmbH has continuously developed measures to prevent hospital infections. A hospital hygienist, a hygiene specialist, a hygiene-responsible physician, and hygiene representatives in nursing form our hygiene team. In addition to hospital-acquired infections, the increase in pathogens that are particularly resistant to antibiotics, the so-called multi-resistant pathogens, plays a major role. All patients receive a checklist on the subject of multi-resistant pathogens before admission. Early patient screening is intended to prevent further transmission of pathogens. In the case of a positive finding, eradication is initiated. Our hygiene team is always on hand to provide advice and support.
Germs are usually transmitted through contact (hands, objects, etc.). In this way, they can get into open wounds or mucous membranes. Basic hygiene measures (e.g., hand disinfection, surface disinfection) form the basis for preventing transmission, which are instructed several times a year and monitored with compliance observations (awareness-raising of employees, communication of current knowledge). The main aim of isolation measures is to prevent the spread of multi-resistant pathogens.
Hospital hygiene activities:
- Daily monitoring of all microbiological findings – derivation of the resulting hygiene measures
- Creating and updating documents
- Infection registration
- Planning, monitoring, and evaluation of construction measures
- Semi-annual inspections of all hospital areas
- Carrying out environmental examinations
- Carrying out staff training in all areas
- Compliance observations
- Monitoring of hand disinfectant consumption
- Attending inspections of the individual authorities
- Regular participation in training events, MRE networks, and events in the region
Your Contac Person