STENUMletterSTENUM Clinic for Orthopedics Ganderkesee presents Jens Altmann

This is Jens, our head of division for anesthesia care.

Jens’ workplace is in the surgery room and the IMC of the STENUM specialist clinic for orthopedics. He works as an assistant in close cooperation with the responsible anesthesiologist.

His tasks include preparing and regularly checking the anesthesia equipment, the observation monitors, and other monitoring devices. They also include the preparation of anesthetic agents and other required medications. Prior to induction of anesthesia, patients are hooked up to the monitoring equipment by Jens. Venous access is established for infusions. Anesthesia initiation, maintenance, and discharge are medical tasks in which Jens assists.

Furthermore, our anesthesia nurse is responsible, along with the anesthesiologist, for transferring the patient to the recovery room, which is also staffed by the anesthesia nurse. This is followed by the post-processing of the anesthesia workstation and the hygienically correct reprocessing of used materials. As area manager, Jens is the central contact person for the employees as well as physicians in the functional area of anesthesia and, together with the surgery room management, shapes the organization of this area.

What Jens loves about his work: accompanying and guiding the patient through the entire surgical process, as well as the close and interlocking cooperation with colleagues from all professional groups.

His calm and friendly manner, that’s what we love about Jens.